
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Memories of a ride in a 1928 Chev to celebrate a 90th Birthday

Bill Seymour passed away last week at the age of 93.

Below is a treat his family arranged for him on his 90th birthday, thanks to Grant Fowler and Mon ty the 28 Chev

Flash Back to Saturday, December 28, 2013

90th Birthday For Bill


A few months ago I received a phone call from a bloke who wanted to know if I was available on the 29th December and also if I was willing to drive the Chevy down to Melbourne, well actually an eastern suburb of Melbourne because it was his fathers surprise 90th birthday and his father Bill, had a soft spot for the 1928 Chevrolet as this was the first car that he learnt to drive in at the age of 14 and would I be able to pick him and his father up at an aged care home and take him for a drive around the suburb... "Sure, no problems at all" was my reply.

Well today after the 90 minute drive straight down the Princes Hwy into an annoying side wind at a leisurely  73kph I arrived at the "Hansworth" nursing home around 11am where my mate Ray was waiting to take a few pix and shortly afterwards Murray, Bills sons showed up, greetings were exchanged and then Murray went inside to get his father and bring him out to the street

While we waited for Bill to come outside we chatted to Bill's 88 year old wife who had made her way out closure to the street to take a look at Monty... "It's a beauty, I do love cars, oh I love cars, you know I was a devil in a car... oh yes it's a real beauty", Bills wife was a sweetie!

The automatic doors to the nursing homes slid open and out shuffled Bill, a tall, well dressed gentleman with his two sons one on each side of him as Bill and his walking frame made their way and came out into the bright daylight and down the driveway towards us.. "Look at that car, a 1928 Chevrolet," were his softly spoken words straight away with a smile on his face, Murray got the introductions under way and we wished Bill a happy birthday, photos were then taken as Bill quickly headed for the front seat after his family explained that we were taking him on a joy ride..

Bill with his two sons on his 90th Birthday.

With the four of us all seated and Bill with a smile across his face we soon found ourselves out amongst the Sunday morning traffic of down town suburbia and motoring along Police Road with Murray and his brother in the back seat calling out the shots on when and where to turn because I didn't have a clue on how to get back to the restaurant where the rest of Bill's family were gathering to greet him.
While we drove Bill chatted about their dairy business that they owned, how he learnt to drive at the young age of 14 years in a 1928 Chevrolet tourer, how he got his license young and how they used to delivery milk in many 2 gallon metal tins which they tired along the side running boards of the Chevrolet and also in the back where the rear seat should of been installed, the three fellas laughed and chatted as I drove and quietly encouraged Monty up a few steep longish streets.
We soon found our way back to the restaurant where family members were waiting with cameras to take Bills picture and then he was helped down out of old Monty.

After a quick chat I again wished Bill a very happy birthday and we parted with a handshake and a smile.

Murray, many thanks for the initial phone call and inquiry about the use of Monty, never a problem and it was a pleasure to be able to help out your family, but more importantly to see that smile on your dads face as he walked down the driveway.


Cheers Grant


I received a email today for Murray, Bill's son that read -

Hello Grant
On behalf of my family, I would like to thank you again for last Sunday. It was an excellent day and my dad was taken totally by surprise. I have attached some images of dad washing the Chevrolet as a 16 year old (around 1940). In one of the photos he is pictured with his father but unfortunately this one is a bit blurry. I see you have updated your blog (bought a tear to my eye) and these images will finish it off just nicely.
Murray Seymour

Bill and his dad in 1940

Friday, January 13, 2017

23 Chev? Farmer made ute, ready for a new life

Would you take on this ....... found on Ebay

Believe "Lizzy" to be a 1923 Chev tourer has converted into a farmers pick up (as was the trend pre-war).
A classic barn find. As the story goes, the farmer struggled to get tyres for the original wooden wheels during WW2 so welded 16” rims onto the hubs because he could get 16”. Was used as a farm ute for many years.
Original 1920’s number plate (I have the missing plate number somewhere), radiator ornament, honeycomb radiator. Comes with the modified racing tractor seat and side exhaust. Check out the classic rat-dashboard…
Motor, gearbox and running gear is there but condition is unknown, never tried to get running. Rolls and steers to move around so easy to get onto a car trailer (no brakes). It has had a crack in the engine block but has been bronzed up appears to have run like that for a long time. 
I bought several years ago but have not started, distracted on other projects and she really needs a good home.
A start of a restoration? shed art? rat rod project? or ideally just “as is” display car in all her glory???

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Red Chev called in on Kevin (Kev's 28 Chev)

Dropped into Lilydale a few days back to take Kevin for a ride to rekindle his enthusiasm to get back into his 28 Chev restoration after time off for other projects.

We both enjoyed the drive and I look forward to both of us getting back into our respective 28 Chev restorations.

Below is Kevin's progress so far

As at 20th July, here are the latest pictures of Kev's Chev, going very well indeed.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Kev's Chev - Another 1928 Aussie Chev being restored - Update 15th June 2015

Its been a little while since Kevin sent me some photos, but he has been steadily moving along with the restoration.

The story so far can be seen at

The latest pictures below Kevin sent me yesterday, and cover March to June.

Update as at 9th March 2015 is posted below

Engine was cleaned and the old paint stripped off

Gearbox pre stripping

Cluster gears and bottom shafts in very good condition

Gear selector repaired and top tower pins replaced

New fully sealed front and rear bearings fitted and bronze bushing between input and output shaft

All back together ready to paint

After removing head have decided to have block bored out to 30 thou oversize and fit new pistons and rings

Head is good with new valves fitted

Original pistons. Bearings and lifters are serviceable and will be reused

My home made spray booth ready for work with the stripped chassis prior to sending away for sandblasting

The old paint looked ok  but peeled off 

Sandblasted and ready for painting

The painting process has began.

Next was the Gearbox

And at last the chassis, which came up very nice indeed.

Now let the assembly of this Chevy begin...............

Degreased inside and out

Ready for installing back in the housing

New sealed bearings fitted

All back together again

New propeller shaft bushing and locally sourced propeller seal fitted

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Working on replacing axle bearings with sealed bearings and replacing housing seals prior to sand blasting and painting of front and rear axle assemblies and chassis.