
Saturday, February 19, 2022

Kev's 1928 Chev Restoration - 2nd Session

 Another 4 productive hours on a Sunday Morning.

- Front wheel Bearings and Grease seals fitted

- Front wheels back on after 4 plus years

- Brake cross shafts were a struggle getting the new spherical bushes lined up, a bit of cursing, head scracthing followed by a few precise hammer blows won out on the day.

A few pics below ( next session to be the steering box)

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Kev's 1928 Chev Restoration (recommenced after a 4 year break)

 The restoration of Kev's Chev started in 2015 and was put on hold from 2017 till January 2022.

Copy and paste the link below for the previous postings with some great progrees pictures

The restoration fired up again this morning with Kev and yours truely sorting out everything, and fitting the front brakes and a few linkages.