The purpose of this Blog

This blog is to detail my 50 years (1973 - 2023) with a 1928 Chevrolet tourer, affectionately called "The Red Chev".

The acquisition, restoration, improvements and my experiences over the years are covered in as much detail as I can remember.

Some of the later postings include car club outings and other vintage car items that I hope will be of interest to people.

If you have the time, scroll back to where it all began in 1973 and follow the journey so far.

Thanks for dropping by.

Regards Ray Dean

See my new section "The Red Chev - Repairs, Improvements, Maintenance and Technical Details" located on the left hand side of the screen.


Friday, January 31, 2025

Back On The Road 31st January 2025

 Pleased to have the Red Chev back on the road for the first time since November 2023 when I had a fall and required knee surgery.

With no roof after replacing the old garage door with a powered roller door and also allowing me better access in and out of the Chev, it will now be a summer, fine weather tourer.

Car went well during a brief test drive, heard a couple of dry spokes so will pull off the offending wheels and tighten things up.

At the same time will adjust the handbrake.

Still to decide if and when to pull the head off as compression is low in number 4.

One of the attached pictures shows the coolant right up to the top as it has been for the last few years thanks to the low pressure sealed system with an overflow tank that I have been using for over 15 years.

More important than all of this is my knee can handle the clutch.

More postings to follow as the jobs get done.