
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The purpose of this blog is to record and document the 38 year history of my 1928 Chevrolet. I will try to cover all areas including the acquisition, the restoration, driving it over the years, and where it is mechanically and body wise in 2011. I would like to thank my wife Jan for not only tolerating the whole process, the late nights, the unusual jobs that were done inside our new house, some with, some without her knowledge, but more importantly agreeing to keep working for at least another 2 years longer than originally planned to finance the final stages of the restoration. And to my children Ross and Melanie, who grew up with a father with this strange obsession and hobby that kept him in the garage for many hours on numerous nights. I am sure they were known as the kids of that guy in the street with the old car. I am pleased to say the obsession is just as strong as back in 1973, but the enjoyment is more in the pleasure from driving and maintaining, as opposed to the original restoration process. One of the biggest thrills was my daughter Melanie asking if the Chev could be the wedding car for her upcoming marriage to her fiance Justin. I will cover this in more detail later, but the car was transferred from being up on blocks not running for about 8 years, to undergoing a mini restoration in just 9 months, finished at 4 am the morning of the wedding.

I must also thank the person who inspired me to begin this task, Grant Fowler, from down Gippsland way. Grant had started a blog for his Chev "Monty", in memory of his late father. You can view Grant's Blog at
This prompted me to document as much detail as I can while I can still remember.

Let's get on with the story



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