
Monday, May 2, 2011

1983 - My Part in Pharlap the movie

Its a Saturday morning and 50 Vintage cars were paid $75 each to drive around Flemington race course for about 3 hours. Seemed like a good deal, covered the cost of gas and a good feed on the way home. Around and around we went, sometimes the different way, sometimes with actors in the back, sometimes on our own. Any scenes that may have shown my car were never in the film, but hey what a great day. To see the amount of money and time spent for what was only about 20 seconds in the movie. Cant remember if I had the roof down or not, but it was a very warm day, I remember that much.

That's about as close to achieving fame as the Chev ever got, apart from leading the Boronia Lions Xmas parade in the 80's with the Mayor of Knox one year, the Olympic Diver Valerie Beddo the next year, a clown the next, and my kids in a couple. But that's another story for later.

See the link on Pharlap below

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