
Monday, June 6, 2011

2010 - February - Renew a Friendship

It was mid February and I went to the Vintage Drivers Club swap meet at the Yarra Glen racecourse. At the same time, in the back of my mind I had been thinking about joining the Dandenong Valley Historical Car Club, but had done nothing about it.

Fate played a hand as during the swap meet, I ran into Les Francis, who I had not seen since the mid 90's. Les had been a good mate since he saw the Chev on a back of a trailer the day I brought the wreck home from Bunyip in 1973. We struck up a good friendship and many a night was spent in his garage, either working on bits for my Chev, his Scripps Booth or his 1928 Chev truck. As things do in those days, work and family life saw us loose contact, and the years rolled by. It was great when I ran into Les again at the swap meet.

Turned out that Les had joined the DVHCC and was right into the activities. With a bit of prompting from Les, and more importantly his seconding my application, I applied to join. So here we are again, involved in vintage cars, except that now I am 58 and Les is retired.

I have covered it briefly in earlier postings, but it a good opportunity to mention again the involvement , and contribution Les played in the restoration and early days of the Chev.

So as February 2010 rolled on, I had re-established an old friendship and was about to join a new car club.

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