
Saturday, August 20, 2011

2011 - 20th August - Moved Vac Tank for better access to no.4 Plug

I replaced the fuel line from the Vac Tank to the carby today, as for many years I have been running 1/4" when it should be 5/16". At some time in the past I put on carby fittings from an earlier model not realizing the tube was a smaller size. Seems pretty dumb, but that's my excuse.This was pointed out to me at the 2009 Chev 4 Tour in Castlemaine, Victoria, and because the car seemed to run ok, I never gave much thought to changing the tubing. If I think back there have been a couple of times when the beast has died at high speed, started again straight away, with me thinking I have knocked the ignition switch with my knee. Will let you know how that goes.

 At the same time I decided to move the Vac Tank for better access to no 4 plug, as it has always been a bit difficult to get a spanner and my gorilla fingers in between the Vac Tank and the block. I moved the tank 1" up and 2" to the right, which now gives plenty of room to get at no. 4 plug.

Hopefully the combination of the bigger fuel line and higher Vac Tank will be better fuel flow. The bottom of the Vac Tank is now 5 1/2 inches from the top of the carby bowl.

Thanks to Chris in Sydney and Kevin from Dapto for giving me the idea.

After these pictures where taken, I decided to replace the loop from the manifold to the vac tank, and of course polish the tube and fittings before a coat of clear lacquer.

The before shots are above, the after below.

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