
Monday, November 14, 2011

2011 - 12th November - Bendigo Swap Meet

The Bendigo Swap Meet has been and gone for another year, and a very long day it was. Grant picked me up at the un Godly hour of 3.30 am (that's morning not afternoon) and we hit Bendigo at about 5.50am, and they were queuing up already. Turned out to be a very enjoyable day. Got off to a good start when a complete stranger approached us outside and gave us free tickets to get in. There was a quick $20 saved, that was soon spent on breakfast. Walked around a bit, Grant picked up a few panels for Monty from Peter Jackson, and we walked and walked and then walked some more. My day was more of a social outing. Caught up with, and introduced Grant to about 8 fellow members of the DVHCC.

Below is a few pictures from a 100 years of Chevrolet car display that was in the main hall. Some very nice cars indeed.

At about 11.30 and we were ready to head home, via Castlemaine, where I had arranged to meet a guy to look at some Chev parts from a deceased estate. This turned out to be my little swap meet, where I picked up a few bits and pieces rusty and dirty as anything. Was it a bargain or did I get ripped off?

I will let you know in the next posting, as the Rust buster has been working overtime since Sunday afternoon.

By the time we left Castlemaine, I was stuffed, and started to nod off, so I was more than happy for Grant to be driving.

In conclusion, a good day was had by the two of us.

1 comment:

  1. Ray, there is no way I will ever be able to get over to you and see all the great Chevrolet thing that are happening down under. But your pictures and Blog sure help.
    Thanks Don
