
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Monty's Endurance Run

Grant had invited me up to Trafalgar to help out with an endurance run for Monty that he planned to run in private property. Now Grants posting below cover all the details, results and statistics, and says it all. I will just add a couple of comments after you view his posting

Great fun was had by Grant and Ray, but make no mistake, Monty was in charge of the whole proceedings. Protesting about having to work harder than he had for over 41 years, he faked several injuries, and after Grant gave him an oil change, and I followed with a well deserved spanking, Monty said that's it, I have a sore Vac Tank, all over, not playing anymore. But man when he ran it was cool, excellent promise of whats to come.

Now I have I comment and a rumour about today's endurance run.

"What's scarier than driving Monty at 45 mph with no body seat belt or other basics such as a floor. The answer is being towed behind Grant at 40 k's at about 8 foot behind the Fowlermobile. You now there is only a split second between either a neck snapping jerk of the tow rope or hoping inside the ute the hard way.

The rumour is the local police, and forensic have secured the industrial complex for tests, as when they heard about the activities, including the skid marks that were made by as yet an unnamed driver from Melbourne, they expect to charge someone. Seems they believe Monty would had to have had a run up from at least Moe, some 15 miles away, to be able to build up sufficient speed to leave skid marks like that.

Heh heh heh

Thanks Grant, very enjoyable day, now get that damn Vac Tank fixed.

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