
Sunday, December 4, 2011

2011 - 3rd December. A Service and then a 132 mile round trip to Trafalgar

Grant and I had planned a days activity in Grant's restoration shed on Sunday the 4th  to refit the cowl as the starting point for a square body for Monty the 28 Chev.

So on the 3rd it was a good prompt to give the Red Chev a bit of TLC, which included:

* Oil the valves, rocker arms and push rods
* Top up the oil
* Full Suspension Lube
* Adjust the rear brakes
* Check the tyres
* Check the coolant
* And of course give the engine a bit of a polish up.

So its the morning of the 4th, just about to give the Red Chev its normal pre-drive polish and tyre black, when the heavens opened, so that was cancelled.

Headed off and luckily the rain eased and around Dandenong stopped,  and was clear weather all the way to Trafalgar.

The Red Chev ran well with this being the first major outing since I fitted the new electric fuel pump to keep the fuel pressure up for the new Zenith 14991 carby. It was on the last run to Trafalgar that I discovered the Vac Tank was not up to the challenge of the new carby and several times during the trip there was a miss as the fuel supply dropped off. An easing of the gas pedal was all that was required to return the engine to normal running, but long hills were the thing that convinced me to fit the fuel pump.

Back to today's trip, apart from one small cough, the Red Chev ran very well. The fuel pump is a little noisy on start up, as I have mounted it on the fire wall, but I will look at insulating the attachments to reduce the sound of the pump being amplified through the firewall. The worst case would be to refit the pump under the car, but hey, I am not ashamed of it, so I will persevere and see what happens.

The day's main task, the fitting of Monty's cowl went very well as you can see in Grant's posting.


  1. Ray, Had you given any thoughts to hiding the electric fuel pump inside the vacuum unit?

  2. Seeing all your updates about the chev, I can only imagine how great your car must be now. I love that you have taken such a liking and caring attitude towards this vintage car. It really shows by how much tune ups and repairs you have done. Kudos! :)

    Brandon Auto

    1. Thanks Kudos for your kind words, and I suppose the Red Chev is dearer to me than what I thought. When you have had the same car for this long, you get attached to it, and servicing and repairs come easy.

      Take care and thanks again
