
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is 22 miles each way too far for a coffee????

Of course not.

The Red Chev was on the prowl, and the driver was on holidays, so it was off to Chelsea, a beach side suburb of Melbourne, for a bit of chilling out at Kelly's Cafe.

Touring on the main roads at about 35 to 40 mph, we were very quickly on Eastlink, and motored along at a very comfortable 45 to 50 mph. Its surprising or reassuring that on a freeway such as Eastlink where the speed limit is 60 mph or 100 kph, travelling at 45 to 50 mph the traffic passes you but does not roar past. In the left lane doing 20 kph below the speed limit I don't feel like I am holding up traffic.

Now on a single lane each way, with a hill here and there, that may be a different thing.

The Red Chev ran fine, behaved its self, driver ran fine, better after coffee.

Reminds me that I need to adjust the brakes, which I will do in the next day or so.

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