
Monday, February 6, 2012

1923 Chev Camper (A very early mobile home)

I fell in love with this when I first saw it. Just take a look at the photos, a frozen moment in time.

I just hope the someone is able to restore this beauty before the ravages of time slowly eat it away. The interior appears to be in pretty good condition, so it must have been stored in a sheltered space for all this time.

When motoring you would have to keep a good look out for the sides of the roads, trees etc.

Look at that sports seat

The interior looks quite salvageable

I am guessing it a bit longer that a standard 1923 Chev truck

Check the tyres please, and while your at it, fit some tyres.

It probably has the aerodynamics of a house brick

Note the old fashioned light switches

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