
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

16,000 Hits on This Blog. Thanks to Everyone

Just wanted to say how much I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to view my blog.

My original plan was to document the history of the Red Chev for my family, before time erases the human hard drive in my head. The finished diary was to go no further than my own computer.

Writing, and sharing this blog has given me a lot of enjoyment and the bonus that my experiences over the years are of interest and possibly help to others.

This year I have added a lot of old car photos and topics related to the years of veteran and vintage motoring. These photos fascinate me as they are a frozen moment in time, from another place, another life, and in some cases up to 100 years old.

The documentation of 39 years with a vintage car seemed initially pretty simple, throw in a few pictures and a bit of text now and then. How wrong was I. Within a few weeks of starting the blog memories and events that I had not thought about for over 20 years or more came back, one after the other. All the modifications, all the repairs, but more importantly all the fun.

Approximately 30 metres from where I am typing this, the Red Chev sits in its garage, covered in saw dust courtesy of a timber project I am doing for the house. As dirty and dusty as it may be, if cars can think, and I am sure they can, the Red Chev would be quite comfortable, knowing that in a few days it will be washed and polished.

There were a few times over the 38 year journey that the Red Chev was locked away, unloved, unkept and possibly forgotten. Had it not have been for my daughter asking for the Chev to be her wedding car, it may never had been woken from its 8 year sleep.

Thanks again and I hope all who have read the blog so far and those who do in the future enjoy it.



24th April 2012

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