
Friday, May 11, 2012

20,000 Hits on this Blog

20,000 hits, what can I say?

thank you gif


Thanks to all of you who have visited this blog. I hope there has been something of interest for you. I had no idea when I started that there would be such a level of activity.

As previously mentioned I intended to do no more than create a Microsoft Word document for my family to record the activities of a husband and father that spent thousands of hours in the garage working on this strange contraption.

Since then it has grown into something that I enjoy immensely. Updating the activities of the Red Chev and adding other related photos and stories gives me a lot of satisfaction.

Those of us that have worked on these old cars over the years should feel an obligation to pass on tips and advice to others, and let others learn from our misfortunes.

There are not many Chev 4's around these days, and even less old timers who worked on them when they were not regarded as an old car.

I would have loved to have had access to the web and google and email contact with other Chev owners in the States back in 1973, but alas, the World Wide Web was still some years away. I toughed it out, did a few things right, did a lot wrong, but in the end got there.

The last 6 months or so has seen me expand the blog into other vintage car related areas, with many pictures. This is also a great source of enjoyment to me, and hopefully others enjoy the trips down memory lane as well.

I still find the frozen moment in time from a photo taken some 70, 80, 90 years ago fascinating and again and again I sit back and reflect on the moment.

So thanks again to all who have visited my blog, and may I leave you with the thought that without the many of you that have read the postings, or more importantly the Internet, it would just be a bunch of words and photos on a few sheets of paper or on a PC hard drive.

Many Thanks

Ray Dean

PS. What does the Red Chev have to say. Nothing more than to remind me of the most important day of its 39 year existence so far.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Ray, once again mate a job well done as only you know how to do things.
    It's a great effort and a fantastic source of info for future chevy restorers like you mentioned, Cheers and best of luck with the next 80,000 hits :) Grant
