
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Old Cars in the Aussie Bush

Some are too far gone, some are border line, and a few that could be reborn with some TLC.

One thing is for certain, they would have all earned their keep in the Aussie outback. Most probably driven into the ground with little maintenance in the last few years of their life.


  1. I always look like a sad sack whenever I see these old cars dumped and rusting in junkyards like these. They should've been modified, or restored so at the very least they can be immortalized at museums or in vintage car shows. Oh well, I can't question the owners of these cars, as their parts are very hard to find (and if there, they’re expensive), much less replace.

  2. Yup, Carry! They should've been restored to their original state. If only these cars have their own life, I would feel sorry for them. They can still be very useful in many ways, but not in a state like this.
