
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some Old Aussie Gas Station Pumps (We call them Petrol Bowsers)

While collating pictures for a posting on Old Aussie Gas Stations, I came across a number of pump only photos, so I thought I would make a separate posting specifically on Old Aussie Gas Station Pumps.

The following 50 plus pictures are of Gas Pumps (in OZ petrol bowsers) long since past their prime, turned off and in most cases either rusting away in the weather, or armed with no more than a fresh coat of paint, standing guard over a building that is being used for another purpose.

From the entire selection that follows I estimate no more than 10 to 15 were still pumping gas at the time the picture was taken.

The first picture, which I stumbled across, is of no great significance, or sentimental in any way, but there is a point of interest that it has to me.

This pump has long since been turned off as the premises are now a tyre and mechanical workshop, but back in 1975 the location was a fully operational service station in The Basin, where I live, and approximately 1 mile as the crow flies from my home.

This was the location that the Red Chev was taken to for a Road Worthy Certificate the week it went back on the road, and judging by its location was no more than 10 feet from where the process was completed.

So little green and red  pump from Hillview Motors and Tyres, you may be redundant and obsolete, but take a bow as the Red Chev wants you to lead the parade one last time.

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