
Monday, June 11, 2012

28 Chev Truck Restoration

From the site of

1928 Chevrolet Flatbed truck Restoration
My First Restoration

My Grandpa gave me this truck when I was just 17 with the condition that I would restore it and he would help. This was long before the days of digital photos so I don't have the job chronicled like I wish I did.

I think that probably explains why I'm so anal about taking pictures of everything now. I hate explaining things without photo backup. My years as a Technical Writer enforced the old saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words."

I Was Seventeen and Still in High School:

That's Me Driving The Truck at about Fourteen
(We All Learned to Drive at Eleven)

That's My Brother Bill Driving
We Used it For Creating Fire Breaks,
Hauling Water Tanks, and Other Work

Grandpa at the Wheel, Me Running Alongside
In the Background is the Dam Grandpa
Had Made - A Nice Sized Lake Too

Dad Sitting in it While Parked
at Our Old House on Cecelia Terrace

Dad Joined By His Beagle Hawkeye

4-Cylinder Powerplant Made it Hard to
Keep the Front End on the Ground - Not!

View of the Cab Showing all the Luxurious Accessories
Rare View of My 1969 Ford Van in the Background

Yeah, I Think "Beverly Hillbillies" Too

From the Rear - Good View of the Wood Spoke Wheels
1960 Plymouth Wagon & 1969 Ford Van in the Background

View of the The Old Bed

Yep - That's the Gas Tank Under the Seat

View of the Engine (1960 Plymouth in the Background)

Grandpa Wes & Father-in-Law Fer in the Background

Tried to Pound it Out to Avoid Using a Lot of Bondo,
But it's a Real Truck, Made out of Real Steel - Very Tough

Lots of Primer & Bondo

Lots of Primer & Bondo

Good View of the New Redwood Bed (Fer in the Background)

With the Backboard Added

The Backboard - Very Scratched-Up Old Photo

One of the Few Pictures of it Finished
The Reel is From SDG&E - Don't Remember Why, Though

The Only Picture of the Front of the Finished Truck

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