
Monday, June 4, 2012

Car Club Run Sunday 3rd June

The Dandenong Valley Historic Car Club  club run and visit to Barry and Liz's machinery and vehicle collection.

The words of our club president Irwin best sum up an overview of the day

Today's run was a real successful outing. I was pleasantly surprised by the large number of members who attended. We had a good roll up of club vehicles as well. Max did a fantastic job putting it all together. He organised a lovely morning tea in the south Pakenham Hall. People chatted for a long time before we moved onto Barry and Liz's lovely property. What a collection of large earth moving machinery, tractors, trucks, stationary engines and other memorabilia etc he had. There were many A model Fords in pristine condition and many not so. In fact there were a
few wrecks around as well and members could be excused if they felt they were growing them there. Both Barry and Liz made us feel real welcome. I gave our hosts a bottle of red wine for having us. They had a roaring fire going and we chatted a lot and in the end we were sad to have to leave for home. There was a gleam in Max's eyes as he saw a number of members pushing
a vintage Chev to get it started. Thanks Max and members for your support.

Cheers Irwin

From my perspective, let me set the scene:

Its an overcast morning as I head off from the Basin, and the closer I got to the meeting place at Narre Warren, the worst the weather became. I'm sitting in the car wondering if others will venture out on such a bleak morning. A few classic cars arrive, a few more, but no other vintage. Starting to think I am going to be the only vintage car attending.

Any way, pleased to say a good number of cars rolled up, and we must have scared off the bad weather, as the sky started to look a bit better and the rain stopped.

A bit of a distraction before we set off, as one of our members car suddenly died as he pulled up. With plenty of onlookers, helpers and wise heads, it was soon found to be a loose connection to the coil.

Just a few 1928 Chev pictures to balance the content

These following photos were at the South Pakenham Hall, a nice old style country meeting hall, where we stopped for morning tea. On a cold wet Sunday morning, the hot food and drink were most appreciated.

Here we are at Barry and Liz's place. A treasure trove of old cars, machinery and still working excavating machines in a fully functional machinery yard.

Looks like this Dodge is still a runner

A cut and polish, brush and clean up, would scrub up nicely

I think this poor old thing has had its last run

I still remember seeing one of these old Steam Rollers with the words MCC (Melbourne City Council) on the side.

He may look mean, but what a friendly dog he was.

Some old and still working excavating equipment.

A 1920 tractor, still runs, but what a bone shaker for the driver on that out rigger seat.

A beautifully restored International truck

Still working chaff machine

Now how big would you think those wheels are. Would have liked to had a tape measure.

But luckily I had an Irwin

Your looking at something well over 10 feet high

Great restored model A Tow Truck.

Some fine examples of tractors from a while back

Tyres anyone?

That open fire was so warm

No that is what I call a good stock of oil.

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