
Saturday, February 2, 2013

To Mirbo North Monty (and Grant ) went

Just take a look at at Grant Fowlers hidden photo skills in his latest latest posting on

To Mirboo North I Went..


A Sunny Saturday it is and with a sign install completed by lunch time with thanks going to my son for lending a helping hand and with the girls heading off to Traralgon for a little shopping and my son in Warragul being social with friends, I thought well buggar the lawns today so I got the ole Chevy oiled up and out the driveway I rolled.
I was quickly out of town and heading up over the hills towards and not to long after found myself pulling up outside the little cute Post Office in the main street of Thorpdale. (Potato Country).

With me again selecting 3rd gear, I soon had the right foot flat to the timbers and encouragement for Monty to reach 30mph as I pulled up out of Thorpdale on the long incline towards Mirboo North and the Strezlecki Hwy then before I knew it I was rolling into the township, which by the way was where my Mother grew up, so the place always has a special connect to the family, plus a brewery and a fantastic little chocolate shop.
I pulled up outside the Grand Ridge Brewery for a photo by the large beer glass and then I wandered up the street and found a few groovy old buildings but the one that caught my eye was the old commonwealth bank building... Very neat

So now I am making my back towards home which is only 20 miles away, not a long trip but it is very hilly which means slower with some long slow climbs which is a good hard pulling workout for the little 4 cylinder motor and the temp gauge on the radiator cap is constantly up in the max when working hard but I do not push it today as there is very little traffic, the sun is shiny and the views are fantastic.

With the potato crops looking great and the masses of green fields and bright red spud dirt neatly laid out like an ever expanding patch work quilt as far as the eye can see over the rolling countryside, I detoured off at the Narracan road intersection and went into the 1600 acre property of Durkin Potato Growers to see if Mike Durkin, the proprietor was home who I have known and supplied their signage for years.
I asked Mike about any old timber buildings on the property for a few pix, we had a chat about the chevy which he took a couple of photos himself and then he pointed me towards the gateways behind the massive packing sheds and said go help yourself....

With the farm to myself except for a couple a very large tractors making their way over the crops in the distance, I would by lying if I said I went at a leisurely pace down the bright red dirt track, it was flat out all the way with clouds of red dust following me closely behind as I looked back in the rear view mirror and I can say the chevy came back home with a nice red glow to the wheels and rear end.

I turned off a the bright red track and up into a dry sun burnt grassed paddock and here is this very large, very old and very disused timber building with great big stands of gum trees shadowing it either side, which would of been useful on a hot aussie summers day while working inside under the rusty corrugated iron roof.
I parked, pulled on the hand park and had a good look around and inside the building, with nothing much of interest inside I got the camera out and took a few pictures, this style of photography I am starting to really enjoy and you can just stand back and think about how this old building was once a hive of activity years ago, full of rough talking, hard faced and harder working shearers when the sheep shearing season was in full swing, but now so very quiet, so still with only the trees doing all the talking...... Was peaceful..

It was a great few hours and only just up over the hills from our home.... Cheers

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