
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Even Monty the Chev Ventured out to the Pakenham Picnic 2013

The following posting on the Pakenham Picnic 2013 by Grant Fowler is from Monty the 28 Chev Blog

Was a beautiful autumn morning as I set off about 9am on an overcast Sunday with my destination being the "Picnic In The Park" vintage and classic car show at the Pakenham Racetrack which would give me a 130km round trip straight down the freeway.

But my first stop was at this old weatherboard building know as "The apple packing shed" at Garfield which is just off the freeway, I can't go past a timber building without a photo if I am in the Chevy, they go hand in hand.

After about 50 minutes from home my left turn showed up and I was soon heading into Pakenham and then into the racecourse where I met up with my mate Ray who had the "Red Chev" in showroom condition and about 300 other cars, vintage, classics, hotrods, a few trucks and even some restored tractors made an appearance, quite a great turnout to see

I drove in and followed the line of other cars through to the parking area and was about to get out when Les from the Dandy Car Club called out and said follow me back here, I was a little surprised and I drove back through the gathering and was told to park ole Monty at the front just inside the gate.... I didn't say no to that parking spot, nothing like adding a little class to a car show..

So I park, jump out and place my small "1928 Chevrolet" display sign up against the front bumper which has a bit of history about the car, dad and the area where dad found it, then Ray and I are off looking at all of the different restored vehicles, grabbing a coffee, something to eat, and generally just talking bullshit for a few hours.

 Later in the day I had two blokes came up to me at different times when I walked back over to the Chevy, the first said. "and who are you?", which I said "Grant Fowler", then he replies "And Wayne"? "thats my dad"..... "Well I used to play with your father when we were young kids out on the farm at Traf East, my family lived next door to Monte, Bessie and the boys" such a great thing to hear this when I am out and about with the car, its a good ice breaker to have a chat with different people from all over the Gippsland area.

After a while another elderly bloke came over to the car, he was having a good long look and then read the sign, and looked across at me.... "this yours"?, "yep that one is mine", you could tell his mind was ticking over  "Monty, hmm, now who are you"? "Monty was my grandfather and I am" then he said without letting me finish, "I married a woman, hmm, Monty Fowler, let me see", then he said and it turns out that he married Monty Fowlers, nieces, daughter......Small world once again, and after a quick chat he was off through crowd as Ray and I sat there shaking our heads grinning.

Anyway I drove back home around 3pm down the freeway, the Chevy went bloody well, it did not miss a beat sitting on 47mph all the way and I actually passed a car coming up the long Tynong hill which I have on video as I was pissing myself with amazement, bloody shocked really as this is the first vehicle that I have ever past EVER!!.

Great day it was and I will convert the video and post it up this week.

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