
Thursday, April 18, 2013

The People and the Places that make up the 90,383 readers of this blog so far

90,000 hits, thanks to all who have visited my blog.  

Who are you?
Where do you come from?
The statistics are interesting, for example it took nearly 2 years for the USA to pass Australia as the country most visiting the blog.
And the most popular posting consistently has always been  Some Old Cars, Caravans, Tear Drops and Mobile Hom...  which has never been challenged. There must be a lot of old caravan fans out there.
The blog took on another life when I started posting vintage, veteran and classic related car photos, and it has been a labor of love finding them. And they are still out there, turning up on a regular basis.

Where You Are From

United States........ 34411



United Kingdom....3125






India .......................333

The 10 Most Popular Posts You Have Read


And When You Visited The Blog

Graph of Blogger page views

Thanks again and keep reading my blog when ever you get a chance, and any comments suggestions and old car pictures you have are most welcome.



1 comment:

  1. Once again Ray, its a great effort mate and what is needed now is for this to be turned into a website..

    Cheers Grant
