
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

100,000 visitors to this blog.

With this being the biggest milestone for my blog to date, its a good opportunity to say thanks to a few people.

To all who have viewed the blog since the slow start on 15th December 2010 to where it is today.

From the first posting which has only been viewed by 28 people, to the latest postings, all of which make up the 730 posts in total.

I can still recall the early days when I thought it would fizzle out at about 2,500 hits, so I am amazed that today (May 2013) where it is on target for 10,000 hits in a 1 month period.

Graph of Blogger page views

To this bloke called Grant Fowler from Gippsland Victoria, for being the motivation to kick it off in the first place, with his blog

To the 38,909 viewers from the USA

To the  31,000 viewers from Australia

To the 3,600 viewers from Canada

To the 3,500 viewers from the United Kingdom

To the 2,300 viewers from Russia

To the 1,420 viewers from Germany

To the 1,110 viewers from France

To the 740 viewers from Brazil

To the 473 viewers from the Netherlands

To the 363 viewers from Sweden, and those from other areas that have not logged on the statistics.

And of course not forgetting the original star of the show, "The Red Chev"

As purchased in 1973

As it is today

Thanks to you all,

I hope you keep coming back from time to time, and as long as I can keep finding interesting photos and articles, not to mention the odd story about "The Red Chev", I will keep the postings coming.




  1. Well Done Ray - Great Effort on the 100 G hits, Congrats

  2. You do realize Grant "its all your fault"

  3. Thanks for the interesting read, Ray!! Great work!

    Bruce from Canada
