
Sunday, June 16, 2013

DVHCC run to Emerald Lake, via an old radio and Prince car collection equals a great day out

The monthly DVHCC   run was to Emerald Lake. Meeting place to start from was Bunning's in Narre Warren, and we motored off around 10.30am.

Thanks to Stan Snyder for organizing a great run.

My chauffeur for the day was Les Francis in his beautiful 1938 Lasalle.

Les received the Car of the Year award at the DVHCC presentation  dinner on 14th June.

First time I have seen the 27 Chev of Les Lucas, nice car Les.

No flies on Stan Snyder's engine, they would all have slid off on the polish. One of the cleanest vintage engine bays I have seen for some time, and a credit to the owner.

Critters along for the ride?

The first stop was at the property of Laurie and Keith where we were given a guided tour through his two incredible collections, old time radios and Prince cars.

Like going back in time, this great collection is set in a recreated radio shop, with counters, signs and batteries, so many batteries

Hey, I grew up with these 2 fellas, and I am still young, must be in there by mistake.



The property's security guard was momentarily distracted by lots of attention.

Laurie's collection of Prince spare parts is organized and stored like the spares department of any car dealership from the 70's era. A place for everything and everything in its place.

Have you seen this many parts storage bins in a domestic garage before?

The engine "room" of Laurie's Prince collection shows the passion and labor of love he has for the brand.

These first 4 pictures are of a Prince touring car engine that never left the shores of Japan. There is no documentation on the design and/or specifications available, no parts available, and only 4 of these engines exist on the planet. Apparently they were a development in progress and were crushed after each race meeting.

So what does a enthusiast do to recreate an engine like this?

Laurie is making the head and other bits and pieces, first in timber, which will then be copied into casting patterns to make the real thing.


A couple of veteran cars came directly to the property

The majority of the group headed off to Emerald lake for a picnic lunch. Les and I headed to Kilsyth were we caught up with John Jenkins and Irwin Sinclair at a restoration workshop put on by the Cadillac club.

All in all a great day out

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