Thanks again to Chris O in NSW for sending me the link
Some of The Original Cars That Attended
Photos Courtesy of Tom Nollan
Walkin' Down The Golden Era Reunion Road

Rows Of Beautiful and Interesting Vehicles

It's A Real Reunion. The Vintage Vehicles Meet Once Again!

Beyond The Present and Into The Past. An Acre Of Cars and Their Proud Owners

This Is Row Four of The Golden Era Reunion Picnic
Our GEAA President In Chief, Mike Conrad, Wooing His Subjects...... LOL
1914 Hudson Touring 6-40 (Bob & Joan Gruber)
(Won The "Oldest Vehicle" Award)
1915 Ford Model "T" Roadster (Mike Conrad)
1918 Oldsmobile “45A” V8 7 Passenger Touring ( George McMurtry)
(Won "Longest Distance Trailered" Award - 1350 Miles)
1920 Studebaker “EJ6” Touring (Bob & Joan Gumm)
1923Chalmers Sport Touring (Under Restoration) (Alan & Doris Maris)
1923 Chevrolet Superior Roadster DeLuxe (Mike, Nancy & Jasmine Nelson)
1923 Dodge Brothers Business Coupe (Steve & Rita Brown)
1923 Ford Model "T" Pickup (Larry & Rose Fairchild)
(Won The "Rusty Relic" Award)
1923 Ford Model "T" Roadster (Renea Aldrich)
1925 Chrysler Touring Phaeton (Jim & Melinda Lesniak)
1927 Ford Model "T" Tudor Sedan (Jim & Lisa Kelsey)
1926 Ford Model "T" Roadster Pickup (James Beall)
(Won Most "Interesting Project" Award)
1927 Dodge Brothers Sedan (Chuck& Nancy Jaeson)
(Won "Best Display" Award)
1927 Essex Super Six Aluminum Sedan DeLuxe (Rick & Ellen Jorgensen)
1927 Ford Model "T" Depot Hack (Harold Schendeman)
1927 Ford Model "T" Touring (John Aldrich)
1927 Lincoln Model "L" Sedan (John & Andrea Deshaye)
1927 Moon Arrowhead Rumble-Seat Roadster (Ron & Linda Moon)
(Won "Best Of Show-PreWar" Award)
1928 Nash Model "320" Sedan (Pete & Michele Ehlert)
1929 Buick Rumble Seat Sport Coupe (Gale & Dorothy Munsey)
1929 Chevrolet “International” Coupe (Donald Hanson & Meri England)
(Won "People's Choice Prewar" Award)
1929 Essex Greater Super Six Rumble-Seat Coupe (Gale & Dorothy Munsey)
1929 Ford Model "A" Pickup (Duane Wilcox)
1929 Ford Model "A" Coupe (Tom Dobson)
1929 Ford Model "A" Tudor (Under Restoration) (Dave & Sue Harmon)
1929 Hupmobile Opera Coupe (Henry Moebius)
1930 Chrysler Model 'CJ-6' Sedan (Emmott & JoAnn Fisher)
1930 Ford Model "A" Five-Window Coupe (Mike Egar)
1930 Model "A" Ford Tudor (Barney & Diane Wagner)
1930 Hupmobile Model "C" Sedan (Sidney & Karen Shoemaker)
1930 Studebaker Sedan (Mike Larson)
1930 Willys-Knight Model "87" Sport Coupe (Andy & Rhonda Rossman & Jean Becker)
1931 Chevrolet “Independence” - Sport Coupe (Robert L. Reller)
1931 Hupmobile Series “H-8” Town Sedan (Jim & Mac Sybert)
1931 LaSalle Club Sedan Five Passenger (Mitchell & Tonya Blondin)
1931 Twin-Coach "Helms" Bakery Van (Francis "Sandy" Olson)
1931 Willys "880-D" Sedan (Steve & Joy Heidal)
1932 Ford Model “B-400” Convertible Sedan (Gerald Greenfield)
(Won "President's Choice Prewar" Award)
1932 Graham “57” Convertible Coupe (Jim & Roberta Heath)
1933 Continental Beacon Sedan (Daryl & Amy Jordan)
(Won "Most Unique Mascot" Award)
1934 Chrysler Model "CB" Sedan (Mike Gladys)
(Won The "Longest Distance Driven Award" 90 Miles Documented)
1934 Ford DeLuxe Fordor Sedan (Ted Stockman)
1935 LaSalle Model “50” Convertible Coupe (Lou & Bunny Berquest)
1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan (Matt Dickinson)
1936 Nash Model "400" Sedan (Warren & Judy Hartle)
1936 Packard V-12 Model “1407” Club Sedan (Ernest Crutcher)
1936 Western Flyer Bicycle (Al ?)
1937 Dodge Model “D3” Coupe (Bill Maxwell)
1937 Studebaker (Bill Hallett)
1938 Buick Special Business Coupe (Al & Marion Bosshart)
1938 Chevrolet Business Coupe (George Haley)
1938 Plymouth Sedan (Fletcher Anderson)
1939 Buick Special Sedan (Lance Jarstad)
1939 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sport Coupe (Ron & Myra Henry)
1939 Chrysler (David Kelsey)
(Flathead Engine & Original Drivetrain)
1939 Ford Cab-Over Truck (Owner ?)
1939 Plymouth (John Arbeeny)
1939 Railton (English) Drophead Coupe (Dave Keister)
1940 Cadillac Series "60-S" Sedan (Grey Brogdon)
(Won "Treasurer's Choice" Award)
1941 Buick Convertible (Russell Leeds)
1941 Studebaker Commander Sedan (Milo & Pam Glaser)
1942 Nash Ambassador Series "4248" Slipstream Sedan (Terry & Lou Davies)
(Won "People's Choice Postwar" Award)
(Won "Best Of Show Postwar" Award)
1949 Plymouth Convertible (Ana Maria Haley)
1950 Ford Sedan (John Obenchain)
1951 Chevrolet Two-Door Sedan (Owner ?)
1951 Nash Rambler Convertible (Judy Hartle)
1954 Chevrolet Corvette (Randy Bailey)
1954 Dodge Pickup (Dave Harman)
1954 Hudson Jet Liner (Sarah & Brian Young)
1955 Chevrolet Business Coupe (Morris Tonda and Lonnie Cain)
(Won "President's Choice Postwar" Award)
1950s Era Metropolitan (Owner ?)
Chow Time! Hot Dogs, Hamburgers & Desserts. Rainier Two-Cylinder Club Presiding
The Trophys And Awards That Were Handed Out
Lance Jarstad, "That Well-Dressed Man"
(Winner Of The "Vintage Clothes Award")
The rest of the award photos were too dark to process
Our Hero! Ana Maria Organized The Event Again!
Many, Many Thanks To All Those Who Helped
And Worked At This Event All Weekend Long!
The only ones there Ray that caught my eye were the ole rusty "barnfind" bangers.. Cheers :)