
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Two 1928 Chevs - Birds of a feather - What tales could they tell.

Two 1928 Chevs that regularly hang out together, Monty the 1928 Chev and The Red Chev, both 86 years old and still going strong.

What tales they could both tell, the things that have seen and been through.

Two cars, identical make and model, from completely different backgrounds.

Monty, a country lad, spent most of his younger years travelling the roads around Gippsland Vic, cast aside in a paddock under a tree, found by Grant's father Wayne Fowler in the 1969, still a complete car, and stored in a shed for 41 years before Grant bringing him back to life.

The Red Chev on the other hand a mongrel, made from 3 cars, one a paddock bomb from Bunyip Vic, another pulled from a creek in Avonsleigh Vic, and the third a tired 28 used as a training hack for  apprentices in a South Australian Holden Dealership. Very nearly was going to be a Hot Rod, but I couldn't cut it up.

Both are now an example of what motoring was like in the early days. May they both see triple figures.

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