
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Update on Glenn's 1928 Chev from Cobram Victoria

Glen sent me some more photos and details on his beautiful Red Chev, nice color by the way.

Before I post the update, below is the original posting from 19th January 2012.

Original Posting  (Jan 2012)

The following photos are a beautiful 1928 Chev nearing the end of its restoration, and belongs to Glenn, who lives in Cobram on the Murray river in Victoria.
Glenn bought the 28 Chev in 1988 and has not had it running yet.
Purchased as a trailer load of bits & pieces he has obviously been working away bit by bit.
You will see from the photos below its looking pretty close to being finished.
Well done Glenn, the best is yet to come, and very nice colour selection if I may say so.

Update 14th June 2014
Firstly some more pictures Glenn sent of the restoration

And the finished Chev, now on the road since May.
Now having the car registered, I have taken it for a few small journeys, building up my confidence as I go. The best of these was last weekend with my wife, my father & step-mother as we meandered through the gum trees in the State Forest in front of our house, along the Murray River.

My Dad has been with me for this long journey which started in Dec '88.

  After fitting the pre-heat of the air intake set up and the car is definitely running smoother !

When I get it back with it's roof, I will call upon my trusty team of old-timers to improve the top speed.

There will be constant tinkering, and both the carburettor, adv/retard & hand throttle are not yet completed to my satisfaction, so that will be my next mission to fine-tune as well as trying to improve the seal on the water pump.

Stay tuned


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