
Friday, November 28, 2014

In Floor Battery Charging Plug

Any one with a vintage car, in particular a Chev 4 will know its a very fiddly procedure to connect a battery charger to the battery terminals.

Regardless of whether you have a reasonably big lift out battery cover in the floor, the carpet has to be removed out of the way, and in some cases the alligator clamps can be very close to the chassis.

A few years back this annoyed me to the point where I decided to make the process simpler, safer and quicker.

I flush mounted a plug in the top of the floor, and fitted the same plug on my battery charger. The floor plug is permanently wired to the battery, and the connection process just requires lifting up the edge of the carpet and "plugging" it in.

Pictures of the parts are below:

The charger plugged into the flush mounted floor plug 

The flush mounted in floor plug

The wiring set up for the in floor plug


  1. a great idea , my 35 chev std has the battery under the front seat, then under the carpet, then under a wooden hatch and behold there is the battery. The complete front seat has to be removed first by the way, and is difficult to accomplish.
    How often do you check the water level? I wonder because its so easy to just plug in an forget about he water etc?

  2. Hi Peter,
    I check the water level about every 4 months
