
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Monty goes for a spin in the Rain (with music)

Its the 21st October 2012, and Grant Fowler and I took old Monty the 1928 Chev for a spin in the rain, and it certainly did rain.

We got wet, said the odd swear word or two, but had a great time anyway.

I had my mobile phone on video most of the time, however the original sound of the rain, the noise, and cussing here and there could only be entertaining to those involved on the day.

Anyway I have revisited the day and thrown in a bit of music, so maybe the combination of two fools in the rain to music may give you a laugh, or if nothing else pleasant to listen to.

For the best effect, once the video starts, click on the symbol in the bottom right hand corner for a full screen


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