
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Out to Rokeby In Monty the 1928 Chev

From Grant Fowler's blog    

(Sunday, January 3, 2016)

Out to Rokeby In The Chev


Misty rain mixed with a strong east wind today but still surprisingly warmish so I flipped open the bonnet, checked the oil and then rolled the Chevy out the driveway and headed off down the Princes Hwy towards Warragul and then out across to Rokeby to catch up with a friend, have a coffee and chat and also to have a look at a few of his early 19th century vintage cars and motorbikes which are all just lovely, rare and all very much road going and drive able.

I lost my hat on the way out there due to the wind from a passing log truck, so I had to stop on the way back and grab it, and while I'm there on the side of the road grab another photo of the Chevy which is always a must do to and add to the collection, you can never have to many :)

Old Monty ran very well again, the little 4 cylinder is not a big fan of the strong head wind but always just keeps plodding along and gets me home at a steady 45mph, although this time it was a little damp on anything that sticks up above the top on the windscreen..

Out along Bloomfield Road, just north of Nilma.

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