
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Out Baw Baw Way In Monty the 28 Chevy

Another great posting of the adventures of Monty the 1928 Chev

Today I rang a mate, Gerry lives about 12 kms away, he has a 1928 Chevy ute and I felt like a coffee and chat on this slightly overcast Saturday morning so a destination and time at one of the local cafes was decided.. Well the coffee done the trick and we solved the worlds problems as always under an hour.
To good of a day to just roll ole Monty back down the driveway, it was decided so I pulled up at our front gate, had a quick bite of lunch, grabbed my good camera and a warm beanie for the head and I headed back down the street towards Mount Baw Baw which you can generally see from Trafalgar on a sunny day, just not today.

Willow Grove is about 19kms north of Trafalgar, then I veered left once in the town and took the Hill End road, quiet good with nice views on your right of the Blue Rock Dam for a few kms then the road becomes tight and twisty in places. We went straight past the farm gate where in the late 1960s dad found ole Monty siting under a tree in the paddock, a few words were quietly spoken today and as I rounded the bend and ran up along side the row of trees beside this paddock, I'm a sentimental aging prick.
A little further along and the bitumen is occasional rough and bumpy due to amount of logging trucks that use it through the week, but hey, we are riding in a 1928 Chevy and not breaking any speed records with ground clearance a plenty.

 I was soon at the turn off to Noojee, Now a right turn would take me up to the top of Mount Baw Baw to Victoria's only Ski Resort, its a drive I have wanted to do in the Chevy but not today as time and the weather is unfortunately against me this time.

 A left turn was made for the 10 km leisurely run into Noojee, the road was very steep here with 2nd gear selected and 20mph showing on the speedo, we climbed awhile and then in was downhill, along the flatter twisty section and soon we were sailing past the pub and out the other side for the sign posted turnoff left and up the dirt track to the Trestle Bridge visitors parking area. Always a busy spot over the weekends and each time it looks just as impressive as the last..

A quick pic or two was taken then for the Neerim South I headed, actually it was the Neerim South Pub smack bang in the middle of town to say gidday to my cousin who owns the place and pours the beers. Nope he's not there today, so my cold beer was downed fast and tasted very nice to help wash the bugs down then a quick visit to the rest room .
I'm back in the seat and turning left onto Bloomfields Road then over Old Sale Road to take me down onto the Princes Hwy and the 25 minute run home back to Trafalgar.

Approx 72miles (115kms) in 2 hours

Ole Monty did not miss a beat, today made me smile!!..

Grant Fowler

Oh, one last thing, Monty rolled past 14,000 miles today..

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