
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Club Run 5th June (Actually a Garage Crawl)

Poor weather was no deterrent for the club members who participated in the Dandenong Valley Historic Car Club Garage Crawl to a couple of members houses.

We were all impressed with the cars, garages, workshops and the collection of memorabilia that in both cases had taken many years to collect.

Our first stop was Emma and Chris's, where we had morning tea in a shed as big as a small house, and fitted out to the smallest detail.

Below are a few pictures of Emma and Chris's "Garage"

 The parking attendant was moon lighting as the in house Security Guard who keep the crowd under control.

We then headed of to Diane and Bills garage and factory to view a great collection of Minerva cars and enough spare parts to build a few more I suspect.

A great collection of veteran and vintage machines, most with a history that Bill knows in great detail.

I was impressed that Bill is working on several restorations at the same time, and knows exactly where things are and what's next.

The club supplied a lunch of soup and rolls that were very much appreciated as we watched the rain coming down.

There was no mistake, winter had arrived.

How often do you see pistons hanging underneath the car?

 Now where did I leave that, ah yes, just over there

Time for lunch

Parked outside was Bill's 1930 sixteen cylinder Cadillac

As I was leaving I spotted a members 1932 Chev, and being my favourite year for Chevs I had to take a few pictures, very nice.

Thanks to all involved in today's run, Emma and Chris, and Diane and Bill for opening up their garages for club members, and to the club for putting on lunch. A great time was had by all.

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