
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2011 - 5th October - A few Jobs are Pending

With the arrival of a Zenith 14991 carby last week, and a 6 volt Tacho and Temp gauge from the States in the mail today, I now have a bit of development work to do, which will be a nice change from the normal repairs and maintenance.

These 3 items are part of the plan to make the "Red Chev" as Grant from Gippsland calls it, more pleasant and reliable to drive at highway speeds, which I am doing more of on a regular basis. The desired outcome is to be able to cruise at 45 to 50 mph with good fuel economy, and improved engine monitoring.

I will have to give some consideration to the location of the gauges, taking safety and visibility into account.  The simplest spot is under the dash in a double mount, but this could be dangerous to either driver or passenger in an accident. Chris from Sydney cut his leg to the bone on an under dash panel in his 28 during an accident several years ago. So if its too dangerous for me on the drivers side, I would suggest the same for the passenger side.

Drilling a hole in the dash sounds severe, but it can always be filled in and repainted. Fitting both gauges in the dash on the passengers side would be the easiest location, but not as visible as the drivers side. I am favouring this location, one on each side of the steering column, as they will be visible through the steering wheel, whilst inconspicuous to a degree.

A bit of playing around with 2 inch round stickers will be the test.

Below are the 2 gauges in question. You will see the tacho has a rev dial up to 3500 RPM.

Will I ever come close, don't think so.

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