
Monday, October 10, 2011

One of the best views on the open road

Your travelling along at a fast 45 to 50 MPH, hey that's fast for the Red Chev, and the road ahead is constantly under the eagle eye of the Dog Bone Radiator cap and Motometer. There is not a better site, and even though this shot was taken from the passenger seat, hopefully you will get the idea.

The whole time you are driving, the engine temperature is right in front of you, without taking your eye of the road, glancing down, or anything else. Even though I plan at some time in the near future to install a dash mounted water temperature gauge, the Motometer will always hold the key spot on the car, never to be replaced. After all we have been together for over 38 years. As I recall I purchased the Motometer at a Vintage Drivers Club meeting way back in 73, long before the Red Chev was reborn. The Dog bone radiator cap came shortly after from a Chev parts dealer in NSW.

Anyway, here is the reason for this posting, on the open road to Ballarat, during the 2009 Chev 4 tour at Castlemaine in Victoria.

And every so often, the Motometer likes to dress up for formal occasions.

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