
Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Continuing Adventures of Monty the 1928 Chev

Is there no stopping this guy...........No!

Is he having fun..............................You bet ya.

Is that all that matters.....................What do you reckon?

The following is from Grant's posting in


What a beautiful day it was....although chilly it was a perfect sunny saturday and after the morning fog cleared around 11am I was out in the Chevy and reversing it out the driveway, for the ladies were off shopping together, my son was at a mates place so I had a good few hours to myself so with a couple of layers of clothing under my winter motorcycle jacket, plus gloves and neck sock it was me, one old car and the open road........ destination? not to sure just yet.

I get down to the corner at the Princes Hwy and point the radiator cap west for I now must build up the confidence levels a little and veture beyond the township of Yarragon, 10 kms away, which has been the furtherest that I have gone from home, so today Warragul was my new destination for I wanted to go and show the chevy to dads younger brother, Uncle Pete.

It was to easy, didn't miss a beat, straight down the freeway and into Warragul, through the round about, up Smith Street and then out up Victoria Street to the edge of town to my uncles place, he and aunty came out all smiles as I pulled up a hit the klaxton horn, they were happy to see it as they had looked in from time to time on the blog..... "Gee's bud, Waynie would be proud of ya, he'd love to see it running again, well done bud, great job"...... That said it all.

After about 40 mintues I said goodbye and waved them was off as I drove ou the gate and headed a little further north to the small township of Buln Buln as this is where the in-laws live on a property and I was feeling like a quick cuppa before the drive home...... BONUS, as I opened the door, Kevin my father inlaw was cooking steak and egg sandwiches for lunch, yes please!, don't mind if i do!.

With my hot coffee coming to an end, the worlds problems all solved, plus some fruit cake eaten, I was again driving out the gate and this time headed east back towards home which is about 30 miles away out onto Bloomfields Road and then down towards the Princes Hwy again and all went well as I am now getting to know and understand this old vintage car, its rattles and squeaks, now it handles on hills, cornering and stopping distances required, and yes my confidence is growing with what it can do and how easily it does it which is all bloody good fun...


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