
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Car Club Run to Trafagar Holden Museum

We could not have asked for better weather for the Dandenong Valley Historic Car Club run to the Holden Museum at Trafalgar, in Gippsland. Our thanks must go to the committee for covering the cost of admission and lunch.

Special mention must be made regarding the ladies (and any gents) who prepared the salads, and did a lot of work behind the scenes. Very much appreciated.

Approximately 67 club members and guests made the trip to 69 Waterloo Road, which has a comprehensive history of Australia's Car, the Holden.

Below is a snapshot of what's on show at the museum

Now I wonder who used to own this 1926 Chev in a previous life

 Kevin Clarence

After the museum we made our way about 200 metres up the road to Grant Fowler Signs,

Our host Grant Fowler (on the left) opened up his shed and arranged a BBQ. On the right is our guest Darell, who drove his 1928 Chev called Nat down from Horsham on Friday to visit family in Pakenham. All the way with the roof down would you believe. Before joining us at Trafalgar, Darrell had driven from Pakenham to Warragul for a car club breakfast meeting.

Grant's Monty and Dareel's Nat, made a fine looking pair of Chevs



Time for Lunch

Les Francis must have been wishing me well or ordering 2 beers, not quite sure?

Looking like a street scene from long ago was a few club cars parked out the front of the museum.

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